Okay, I figured out how to post a video. What? I know! It is a crazy video about my cousin, Evan Petkau, being chased by wild hippos in Africa a couple of years ago. The full video has been on youtube for a couple of years but was just recently picked up by National Geographic to be part of a film they are producing. About a year ago, Disney contacted my cousin about using the video in one of their nature videos but chose not to include it in the end.
In class we have been discussing all of the dangers of digital profiles. The Information Communication and Technology Curriculum seems to be intended to teach ethics and responsibility than to teach about technology. They want to warn teachers and students about what could happen to their careers and lives if they let technology get out of hand. I agree, technology can be a tricky path to follow but we need to also think about the incredible things that have happened as a result of technology.
My cousin Evan has a jumping off point, although it is still small, for his interest in a career in film. How many actors and performers have gotten their big break by simply posting a video online? How many of those videos are probably embarrassing? How many of those videos are actually shot for shot remakes of the kind of videos that could potentially ruin your life? But for some people, those embarrassing videos are the one thing that changes the direction of their life in a positive way. Anyone know a guy named Justin Bieber?
I guess what I am trying to say with all of this is that yes, it is important to be careful with technology but at the same time, taking well-chosen risks can change your life in a good way. I suppose it all comes down to teaching our students to act responsibly, to think before they post and to make cool videos of crazy things that happen in nature for us all to watch, like charging hippos.
Good point. Technology is another means and reason to teach our students to act responsibly, not something to avoid because of risk.